I'm new to grunt, still learning, so I came up to a very strange problem.
When I run "watch"
task, my command line becomes blocked, so basically I cant do anything on it.
Bare in mind that the task is completed with success.
This is my command line output:
C:\server\css-test>grunt w
Running "watch" task
>> File "compass-examples-master\02\sass\screen.scss" changed.
Running "compass" (compass) task
unchanged compass-examples-master/02/sass/ie.scss
unchanged compass-examples-master/02/sass/print.scss
overwrite compass-examples-master/02/stylesheets/new/sass/screen.css
Running "watch" task
Completed in 1.496s at Fri Mar 22 2013 19:31:37 GMT+0100 (Central Europe Standard Time) - Waiting...
As you can see, all I do is run "compass"
task, it completes successfully.
Insertion point keeps blinking on after the Waiting...
text part, but keyboard input doesn't work.
My grunt configuration
module.exports = function (grunt)
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
compass: {
dist: {
options: {
sassDir: 'compass-examples-master/02',
cssDir: 'compass-examples-master/02/stylesheets/new',
imagesDir: 'compas-examples-master/02/images',
boring: false,
outputStyle: 'nested',
require: 'sass-media_query_combiner'
watch: {
files: 'compass-examples-master/02/sass/*',
tasks: ['c']
grunt.registerTask('c', 'compass');
grunt.registerTask('w', 'watch');