In Python I would do the following:
>>> q = urllib.urlencode({"q": "clojure url"})
>>> q
>>> url = "" + q
>>> url
How do I do all the encoding that's done for me above in Clojure? In other words, how do I do something akin to the following:
=> (build-url "" {"q" "clojure url"})
Here's one way:
user=> (import [ URLEncoder])
user=> (str "" (URLEncoder/encode "clojure url" "UTF-8"))
I know this is not exactly the same as your Python snippet though. Please see the following post from the Clojure mailing list for a more complete answer:
The code from there will allow you to do this:
user=> (encode-params {"q" "clojure url"})
There is a url-encode
function in Ring's ring.util.codec
(ring.util.codec/url-encode "clojure url")
; => "clojure+url"
I'm not sure if there's a prepackaged function to turn a map into a query string, but perhaps this could do the job:
(use '[ring.util.codec :only [url-encode]])
(defn make-query-string [m]
(->> (for [[k v] m]
(str (url-encode k) "=" (url-encode v)))
(interpose "&")
(apply str)))
An example:
user> (make-query-string {"q" "clojure url" "foo" "bar"})
All that remains is concatenating the result onto the end of a URL:
(defn build-url [url-base query-map]
(str url-base "?" (make-query-string query-map)))
Seems to work:
user> (build-url "" {"q" "clojure url"})
Perhaps a modified version might make for a more Clojure-friendly experience. Also handles encoding via a Ring-style optional argument with utf-8 as default.
(defn make-query-string [m & [encoding]]
(let [s #(if (instance? clojure.lang.Named %) (name %) %)
enc (or encoding "UTF-8")]
(->> (for [[k v] m]
(str (url-encode (s k) enc)
(url-encode (str v) enc)))
(interpose "&")
(apply str))))
(defn build-url [url-base query-map & [encoding]]
(str url-base "?" (make-query-string query-map encoding)))
So now we can do
user> (build-url "" {:foo 1})
This is the exact REPL equivalent of your python session, using clj-http.
user=> (require ['clj-http.client :as 'client])
user=> (str ""
user=* (client/generate-query-string {"q" "clojure url"}))
but clj-http makes it even easier:
user=> (client/get ""
user=* {:query-params {"q" "clojure url"}})
... <a lot of output, omitted to protect the innocent>...
assuming that you want to perform a GET request, that is.
clj-apache-http is pretty useful. With it you can do the following:
user=> (require ['com.twinql.clojure.http :as 'http])
user=> (def q (http/encode-query {"q" "clojure url"}))
user=> (def url (str "" q))
user=> url
A simple solution using str(ings):
(def q (str "clojure+url"))
(def url (str "" q))