
Could not load file or assembly Autofac, Version=3

2019-03-18 10:52发布


After upgrading my project from Autofac to, I had the following error. I even didn't add any reference to Autofac in any project in solution.

=== Pre-bind state information ===
LOG: DisplayName = Autofac, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=17863af14b0044da
LOG: Appbase = file:///C:/Projects/Drive/temp/drive/Src/Web/
LOG: Initial PrivatePath = C:\Projects\Drive\temp\drive\Src\Web\bin
Calling assembly : Autofac.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=17863af14b0044da.
LOG: This bind starts in default load context.
LOG: Using application configuration file: C:\Projects\Drive\temp\drive\Src\Web\web.config
LOG: Using host configuration file: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet.config
LOG: Using machine configuration file from C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\config\machine.config.
LOG: Post-policy reference: Autofac, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=17863af14b0044da
LOG: Attempting download of new URL file:///c:/temp/root/79371609/925ee10/Autofac.DLL.
LOG: Attempting download of new URL file:///c:/temp/root/79371609/925ee10/Autofac/Autofac.DLL.
LOG: Attempting download of new URL file:///C:/Projects/Drive/temp/drive/Src/Web/bin/Autofac.DLL.
WRN: Comparing the assembly name resulted in the mismatch: Minor Version
ERR: Failed to complete setup of assembly (hr = 0x80131040). Probing terminated.

Stack Trace: 

[FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly 'Autofac, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=17863af14b0044da' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)]
   Fairfax.Classifieds.Drive.Web.Global.RegisterTypesWithAutofac() in c:\Projects\Drive\temp\drive\Src\Web\Global.asax.cs:375
   Fairfax.Classifieds.Drive.Web.Global.Application_Start(Object sender, EventArgs e) in c:\Projects\Drive\temp\drive\Src\Web\Global.asax.cs:102

[HttpException (0x80004005): Could not load file or assembly 'Autofac, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=17863af14b0044da' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)]
   System.Web.HttpApplicationFactory.EnsureAppStartCalledForIntegratedMode(HttpContext context, HttpApplication app) +9936485
   System.Web.HttpApplication.RegisterEventSubscriptionsWithIIS(IntPtr appContext, HttpContext context, MethodInfo[] handlers) +118
   System.Web.HttpApplication.InitSpecial(HttpApplicationState state, MethodInfo[] handlers, IntPtr appContext, HttpContext context) +172
   System.Web.HttpApplicationFactory.GetSpecialApplicationInstance(IntPtr appContext, HttpContext context) +336
   System.Web.Hosting.PipelineRuntime.InitializeApplication(IntPtr appContext) +296

[HttpException (0x80004005): Could not load file or assembly 'Autofac, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=17863af14b0044da' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)]
   System.Web.HttpRuntime.FirstRequestInit(HttpContext context) +9950728
   System.Web.HttpRuntime.EnsureFirstRequestInit(HttpContext context) +101
   System.Web.HttpRuntime.ProcessRequestNotificationPrivate(IIS7WorkerRequest wr, HttpContext context) +254

UPDATE: I also added the assembly redirect binding to web.config, but still had error.

        <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
                <assemblyIdentity name="System.Web.Mvc" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" />
                <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
                <assemblyIdentity name="Autofac" publicKeyToken="17863af14b0044da" />
                <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />

I also tried to add Autofac to GAC, but it was not effective.


You probably need a binding redirect in your web.config. Mine, for version 3.5, looks like:

    <assemblyIdentity name="Autofac" publicKeyToken="17863af14b0044da" culture="neutral" />
    <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />


It needs the <role name>.dll.config file added to your Solution (same level as the web.config or app.config) and be set the Copy to Output Directory property to “Copy Always”. This file should contain the bindingRedirect settings. I've had the same error: FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly in WebRole (recycling instance)

More info at Cloud Services roles recycling with the error “System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly”


I had this problem with a unit test library that I migrated from the old XAML builds to the new vNext builds. I had configured assembly version binding redirection for all libraries that use AutoFac. I still ended up with the problem in the output.

I eventually discovered that the binding redirect information is only output (in the bin folder) for the DLL corresponding to the project, and not all other DLLs that are included. In my case, I had a reference to another (unit test) library that also needed AutoFac. This library had unit tests in it that were also detected by the build process, and failed when run. The problem was that the binding redirects defined in the referenced library were not being applied because the referenced library's .config file was not present in the bin folder.

So I solved this by not having unit test libraries reference other unit test libraries. As a work-around, use a common code project, or a common C# project library for common code.

There is additional info about why assembly binding is required for AutoFac here: Why don’t all Autofac packages target the latest Autofac core?