I wrote a report using Crystal Reports XI linked to an Access database here C:\MyData.mdb.
The report has one field (simplified for this example) and no sub-reports.
I have used the Forms and WPF Cyrtsal Report Viewer using C# .NET 4.
The report views successfully on my development PC running Windows XP, and on other "tills", also running Windows XP.
However, on a till running WePOS (a sort of cut down Windows XP) the report "always" shows a dialog box asking for login details i.e. Username & Password.
This dialog box also shows the correct path to C:\MyData.mdb.
I have spent many days on this, testing in every way possible (I'm sure everyone remembers times like these!).
I use this code to ensure the database is correctly linked to:
TableLogOnInfo logonInfo;
foreach (CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.Table table in report.Database.Tables)
logonInfo = table.LogOnInfo;
logonInfo.ConnectionInfo.ServerName = string.Empty;
logonInfo.ConnectionInfo.DatabaseName = "C:\MyData.mdb";
logonInfo.ConnectionInfo.UserID = string.Empty;
logonInfo.ConnectionInfo.Password = string.Empty;
... and it works on every PC with Windows XP, except the one with WePOS.
I've also played with:
report.SetDatabaseLogon(string.Empty, string.Empty, "C:\MyData.mdb", string.Empty);
... but It makes no difference.
- There is no username or password on the Access database
- All the PC's used have the releveant software installed (runtimes, etc.)
- All the PC's were tested using the Adminstrator account (and file permissions were double checked)
- I've tried ticking the Integrated Security tick box, with no luck
- I set logonInfo.ConnectionInfo.DatabaseName = string.Empty;
- I set logonInfo.ConnectionInfo.ServerName = "C:\MyData.mdb";
- I have tried NOT using any of the above code, instead just made sure the database was in the same place on all PC's, with no luck
- It is an Access 2003 database file
I can only conclude WePOS is so "cut down" that Crystal is silently failing to pass authentication... please help!