I'm trying to speed up the time taken to compile my application and one thing I'm investigating is to check what resources, if any, I can add to the build machine to speed things up. To this end, how do I figure out if I should invest in more CPU, more RAM, a better hard disk or whether the process is being bound by some other resource? I already saw this (How to check if app is cpu-bound or memory-bound?) and am looking for more tips and pointers.
What I've tried so far:
Time the process on the build machine vs. on my local machine. I found that the build machine takes twice the time as my machine.
Run "Resource Monitor" and look at the CPU usage, Memory usage and Disk usage while the process is running - while doing this, I have trouble interpreting the numbers, mainly because I don't understand what each column means and how that translates to a Virtual Machine vs. a physical box and what it means with multi-CPU boxes.