I have number and need to add the suffix: 'st', 'nd', 'rd', 'th'. So for example: if the number is 42 the suffix is 'nd' , 521 is 'st' and 113 is 'th' and so on. I need to do this in perl. Any pointers.
Try this:
my $ordinal;
if ($foo =~ /(?<!1)1$/) {
$ordinal = 'st';
} elsif ($foo =~ /(?<!1)2$/) {
$ordinal = 'nd';
} elsif ($foo =~ /(?<!1)3$/) {
$ordinal = 'rd';
} else {
$ordinal = 'th';
Use Lingua::EN::Numbers::Ordinate. From the synopsis:
use Lingua::EN::Numbers::Ordinate;
print ordinate(4), "\n";
# prints 4th
print ordinate(-342), "\n";
# prints -342nd
# Example of actual use:
for(my $i = 0; $i < @records; $i++) {
unless(is_valid($record[$i]) {
warn "The ", ordinate($i), " record is invalid!\n";
Try this brief subroutine
use strict;
use warnings;
sub ordinal {
return $_.(qw/th st nd rd/)[/(?<!1)([123])$/ ? $1 : 0] for int shift;
for (42, 521, 113) {
print ordinal($_), "\n";
Here's a solution which I originally wrote for a code golf challenge, slightly rewritten to conform to usual best practices for non-golf code:
$number =~ s/(1?\d)$/$1 . ((qw'th st nd rd')[$1] || 'th')/e;
The way it works is that the regexp (1?\d)$
matches the last digit of the number, plus the preceding digit if it is 1
. The substitution then uses the matched digit(s) as an index to the list (qw'th st nd rd')
, mapping 0 to th
, 1 to st
, 2 to nd
, 3 to rd
and any other value to undef. Finally, the ||
operator replaces undef with th
If you don't like s///e
, essentially the same solution could be written e.g. like this:
for ($number) {
/(1?\d)$/ or next;
$_ .= (qw'th st nd rd')[$1] || 'th';
or as a function:
sub ordinal ($) {
$_[0] =~ /(1?\d)$/ or return;
return $_[0] . ((qw'th st nd rd')[$1] || 'th');
Another solution (though I like the preexisting answers that are independent of using modules better):
use Date::Calc 'English_Ordinal';
print English_Ordinal $ARGV[0];