Polymorphic CriteriaQuery without inverse relation

2019-03-18 07:18发布


I have the following EJB structure. Don't wonder about Animal and Inventory, these classes are only here to demonstrate the structure in a simplified way (Update: I have revised the class names to construct a better understandable example. Another implementation of IdTag might be a BarcodeId). Note that there is no inverse relationship from IdTag to Animal or Inventory, and let's assume the RfidTag.code is unique. I read Retrieving Polymorphic Hibernate Objects Using a Criteria Query and Hibernate polymorphic query but these discussions does not seem to answer my question.

public interface ItemWithIdTag
    IdTag getIdTag();
    void setIdTag(IdTag idTag);

@Entity public class Animal implements ItemWithIdTag,Serializable
    @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.AUTO) private long id;

    @OneToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
    private IdTag idTag;

@Entity public class Inventory implements ItemWithIdTag,Serializable
    @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.AUTO) private long id;

    @OneToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
    private IdTag idTag;

@Entity @Table(name = "IdTag") @Inheritance(strategy= InheritanceType.JOINED)
public class IdTag implements Serializable
    @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.AUTO) private long id;
    private Date created;

@Entity @Table(name = "RfidTag")
public class RfidTag extends IdTag implements Serializable
    private String code;

Now I want to query either Animal or Inventory for a given RfidTag.code like Animal ejb = bean.fEntityWithRfidTag(Animal.class,"myRfIdCode");

public <T extends ItemWithIdTag> T fOwner(Class<T> type, String catName)
    CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
    CriteriaQuery<T> criteriaQuery = criteriaBuilder.createQuery(type);
    Root<T> from = criteriaQuery.from(type);

    Path<Object> path = from.join("idTag").get("code");

    CriteriaQuery<T> select = criteriaQuery.select(from);
    select.where(criteriaBuilder.equal(path, catName));

    TypedQuery<T> q = em.createQuery(select); 
    T result = (T)q.getSingleResult();}
    return result;

Unfortuately I get the following errror:

javax.ejb.EJBException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:
Unable to resolve attribute [code] against path [null]

I assume that this is related to the inheritance IdTag -> RfidTag and Animal only knows about IdTag and not the RfidTag.code. Are queries like this possible?


If you are using EclipseLink, solution is simple. Modify the Path criteria to cast to RfIdTag:

Path<Object> path = ((Path) from.join("idTag").as(RfIdTag.class)).get("code");

If you are using Hibernate, replace your method with:

public static <T extends ItemWithIdTag> T fOwner(Class<T> type, String catName) {
    CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
    CriteriaQuery<T> criteriaQuery = criteriaBuilder.createQuery(type);
    Root<T> fromType = criteriaQuery.from(type);
    Root<RfIdTag> fromRfId = criteriaQuery.from(RfIdTag.class);

    Path<Object> pathCode = fromRfId.get("code");
    Path<Object> pathIdTagType = fromType.get("idTag");
    Path<Object> pathIdTagRfId = fromRfId.get("id");

    CriteriaQuery<T> select = criteriaQuery.select(fromType);
            criteriaBuilder.equal(pathCode, catName),
            criteriaBuilder.equal(pathIdTagType, pathIdTagRfId));

    TypedQuery<T> q = em.createQuery(select);
    return q.getSingleResult();

This makes a "join" ("a filtered cartesian product") between "T" and "RfIdTag".