I'm using the CodeIgniter email library to send emails using our Exchange server. The problem I get is that the content of the email gets messed up.
There are some words that get replaced with equal signs "=", I tried 2 different Exchange servers (they are in different locations and have no relation what so ever) and I still get the same issue. If I use any other server as an SMTP server to send emails everything works fine and the content stays intact and unchanged.
Content before sending:
Dear Customer
Please find attached a comprehensive explanation of how to get our brochure of Angola. This has been sent to you at the request of Alex.
The information has been taken from www.example.co.uk "Company name" is one of the leading tile and marble companies in the UK.
Content after sending it through the Microsoft Exchange:
Dear Customer
Please find attached a comprehensive explanation of how to get our brochure of A=gola. This has been sent to you at the request of Alex.
The information has been taken from www.example.co.uk "Company name" is one of the leadi=g tile and marble companies in the UK.
As you can see for some reason some of the "n" characters were replaced with equal signs "=" (Example: Angola > A=gola)
My email configuration:
$config['charset'] = 'utf-8';
$config['mailtype'] = 'html';
$config['protocol'] = 'smtp';
$config['smtp_host'] = 'exchange.example.com'; //ssl://
$config['smtp_user'] = 'email@example.com';
$config['smtp_pass'] = 'password';
$config['smtp_port'] = 25;
$this->email->set_newline( "\r\n" );
$this->email->initialize( $config );
$this->email->from( $frome, $fromn );
$this->email->to( $email );
$this->email->subject( $subject );
$this->email->message( $send_message );
Does anyone know why is the Microsoft exchange behaving this way? or is there some sort of setting I should use?