within not entirely working, only the las

2019-01-07 00:19发布


I will like to edit a list of items in the same page. Each item should be edited using a separate form. I am creating a h:form within ui:repeat. Only when the last form is submitted, the user input is applied to the managed bean. For all other forms, user input is not applied to the model.

public class Controller {
    Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("TestWeb");
    private List<Customer> customerList;

    public List<Customer> getCustomerList() {
        if (customerList == null) {
            customerList = new ArrayList<Customer>();
            customerList.add(new Customer("Daffy Duck", "daffy@example.com"));                          
            customerList.add(new Customer("Bugs Bunny", "bugs@example.com"));       
            customerList.add(new Customer("Samity Sam", "sam@example.com"));
        return customerList;
    public String updateCustomer(Customer c) {
        logger.info("Updating: " + c.getName());
        return null;

In the view, I have

<ui:repeat var="c" value="#{controller.customerList}">
  <h3>Edit Customer</h3>
  Name: <h:inputText value="#{c.name}"/><br/>
  E-mail: <h:inputText value="#{c.email}"/><br/>
  <h:commandButton value="Update"

I search for hours without any solution. What will be the correct way to do this? I can hack it by using a single form and using a ui:repeat within it. But there are many issues with that and I will rather not take that route. Thanks.


This is a bug in state saving of <ui:repeat> in Mojarra. There are several similar issue reports at http://java.net/jira/browse/JAVASERVERFACES, among others issue 2243.

You have basically 2 options: use another iterating component (e.g. <c:forEach>, <h:dataTable>, <t:dataList>, <p:dataList>, etc), or replace Mojarra by MyFaces (the <ui:repeat> in this construct works properly in there).