I'm having trouble reading in some chunked HTTP response data using winsock.
I send a request fine and get the following back:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: LMAX/1.0
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2011 16:22:19 GMT
using winsock recv. At this point however it just hangs. I have the listener running in an infinite loop but nothing is ever picked up.
I think it's a C++ issue but it could also be related to the fact that I pushing the connection through stunnel to wrap it up inside HTTPS. I have a test application using some libs in C# which works perfectly through stunnel. I'm confused as to why my loop is not receiving the C++ chunked data after the initial recv.
This is the loop in question...it is called after the chunked ok response above...
recvBuf= (char*)calloc(DEFAULT_BUFLEN, sizeof(char));
iRes = recv(ConnectSocket, recvBuf, DEFAULT_BUFLEN, 0);
cout << WSAGetLastError() << endl;
cout << "Recv: " << recvBuf << endl;
cout << recvBuf << endl;
err = WSAGetLastError();
wprintf(L"WSARecv failed with error: %d\n", err);
Any ideas?
You need to change your reading code. You cannot read chunked
data using a fixed-length buffer like you are trying to do. The data is sent in variable-length chunks, where each chunk has a header that specifies the actual length of the chunk in bytes, and the final chunk of the data has a length of 0. You need to read the chunked headers in order to process the chunks properly. Please read RFC 2616 Section 3.6.1. Your logic needs to be more like the following pseudo-code:
send request;
status = recv() a line of text until CRLF;
parse status as needed;
response-code = extract response-code from status;
line = recv() a line of text until CRLF;
if (line is blank)
store line in headers list;
while (true);
parse headers list as needed;
if ((response-code is not in [1xx, 204, 304]) and (request was not "HEAD"))
if (Transfer-Encoding header is present and not "identity")
line = recv a line of text until CRLF;
length = extract length from line;
extensions = extract extensions from line;
process extensions as needed; // optional
if (length == 0)
recv() length number of bytes into destination buffer;
recv() and discard bytes until CRLF;
while (true);
line = recv a line of text until CRLF;
if (line is blank)
store line in headers list as needed;
while (true);
re-parse headers list as needed;
else if (Content-Length header is present)
recv() Content-Length number of bytes into destination buffer;
else if (Content-Type header starts with "multipart/")
recv() data into destination buffer until MIME terminator derived from the Content-Type's "boundary" attribute value is reached;
recv() data into destination buffer until disconnected;
Indeed you do not receive chunked, but the content is chunked. You have to draw a picture for yourself how any buffer you receive might look. It's not like you receive one chunk at the time. Sometimes you have some data of the previous chunk, the line indicating the size of the new chunk, followed by some chunk data. Some other time you just receive just a bit of chunk data. Another time a bit of chunk data and a part of the line indicating the new chunk, etc, etc. Imagine the worst case scenarios, this isn't easy. Read this: http://www.jmarshall.com/easy/http/
Before you can use the following piece of code receive all the headers until the empty line. Where the content starts in the buffer is nContentStart
. The code uses some in-house classes I cannot share but you should get the idea ;) As far as I tested it works like expected and does not leak memory. Although since this isn't easy I cannot be completely sure!
if (bChunked)
int nOffset = nContentStart;
int nChunkLen = 0;
int nCopyLen;
while (true)
if (nOffset >= nDataLen)
{pData->SetSize(0); Close(); ASSERTRETURN(false);}
// copy data of previous chunk to caller's buffer
if (nChunkLen > 0)
nCopyLen = min(nChunkLen, nDataLen - nOffset);
n = pData->GetSize();
pData->SetSize(n + nCopyLen);
memcpy(pData->GetPtr() + n, buf.GetPtr() + nOffset, nCopyLen);
nChunkLen -= nCopyLen;
ASSERT(nChunkLen >= 0);
nOffset += nCopyLen;
if (nChunkLen == 0)
nOffset += strlen(lpszLineBreak);
ASSERT(nOffset <= nDataLen);
// when previous chunk is copied completely, process new chunk
if (nChunkLen == 0 && nOffset < nDataLen)
// chunk length is specified on first line
p1 = buf.GetPtr() + nOffset;
p2 = strstr(p1, lpszLineBreak);
while (!p2) // if we can't find the line break receive more data until we do
buf.SetSize(nDataLen + RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE + 1);
nReceived = m_socket.Receive((BYTE*)buf.GetPtr() + nDataLen, RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE);
if (nReceived == -1)
{pData->SetSize(0); Close(); ASSERTRETURN(false);} // connection error
if (nReceived == 0)
{pData->SetSize(0); Close(); ASSERTRETURN(false);} // all data already received but did not find line break
nDataLen += nReceived;
buf[nDataLen] = 0;
p1 = buf.GetPtr() + nOffset; // address of buffer likely changed
p2 = strstr(p1, lpszLineBreak);
*p2 = 0;
p2 += strlen(lpszLineBreak);
p3 = strchr(p1, ';');
if (p3)
*p3 = 0;
if (sscanf(p1, "%X", &nChunkLen) != 1)
{pData->SetSize(0); Close(); ASSERTRETURN(false);}
if (nChunkLen < 0)
{pData->SetSize(0); Close(); ASSERTRETURN(false);}
if (nChunkLen == 0)
break; // last chunk received
// copy the following chunk data to caller's buffer
nCopyLen = min(nChunkLen, buf.GetPtr() + nDataLen - p2);
n = pData->GetSize();
pData->SetSize(n + nCopyLen);
memcpy(pData->GetPtr() + n, p2, nCopyLen);
nChunkLen -= nCopyLen;
ASSERT(nChunkLen >= 0);
nOffset = (p2 - buf.GetPtr()) + nCopyLen;
if (nChunkLen == 0)
nOffset += strlen(lpszLineBreak);
if (nChunkLen == 0 && nOffset < nDataLen)
continue; // a new chunk starts in this buffer at nOffset, no need to receive more data
// receive more data
nDataLen = m_socket.Receive((BYTE*)buf.GetPtr(), RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE);
if (nDataLen == -1)
{pData->SetSize(0); Close(); ASSERTRETURN(false);}
if (nDataLen == 0)
{pData->SetSize(0); Close(); ASSERTRETURN(false);}
buf[nDataLen] = 0;
nOffset = 0;
// TODO: receive optional footers and add them to m_headers