Similar to the problem described here:
in Short (shorten'd code):
config.use_transactional_fixtures = true
config.use_instantiated_fixtures = false
Factory.define :state do "NY"
in my spec
before(:each) do
@static_model = Factory(:state) # with validate uniqueness of state name
duplicate entry name "NY" etc.
Shouldn't rspec clear database before each spec example and hence not throwing duplicate entry errors?
Question: Shouldn't rspec clear database before each spec example and hence not throwing duplicate entry errors?
RSpec with DatabaseCleaner or RSpec Rails with use_transactional_fixtures will clear the DB as long as your created the data in the example itself. before :all do ... end
is considered outside of the example, because the data remains untouched across multiple examples. Whatever you create in before :all
you have to delete in after :all
In order to delete whatever you create automatically use before :each do ... end
. Be aware the same data will be created and removed 10 times if you have 10 examples. The difference between before :all
and before :each
is better explained here: rails rspec before all vs before each
Some more possible causes:
- There's still a states.yml fixture sitting around
- Someone played around on script/console test and forgot to clean up afterwards.
You might also find it's because you haven't wrapped the statement in:
describe "what it should do" do
@static_model = Factory(:state) # with validate uniqueness of state name
I discovered that was the change that solved this problem:
Why isn't factory_girl operating transactionally for me? - rows remain in database after tests
I have had similar questions about what sort of starting state one can expect when using FG and RSpec.
While I too wait for clarity, Database Cleaner could be a good fix:
hth -
When you use Factory(:state) wich is a shortcut to Factory.create(:state), factory_girl returns you a saved object.
Use instead.
Dude maybe your yaml fixtures from regular unit tests get mixed into your rspec?