
Nerdtree - save state of opened directories

2019-03-18 02:18发布


A typical workflow for me is opening Vim (MacVim to be precise), doing:

:NERDTree <bookmark>

then manually opening various subdirectories I want to use. Often it's the same set of directories I had open when I was last working on the project. I'm aware of the O recursive-open command but if it's a large tree I then have to go and close a load of them to clear the screen up.

Is there any way of saving the ones that are open / the general 'state'?


Unfortunately, there is no way to do this in NERDTree - yet. If you feel like the feature deserves attention, however, you can add it yourself or submit a request for it on GitHub, and it will be available to you soon.

Edit: I took the liberty of submitting the feature request myself; you can track its status here.


Sure just save the session with ":mksession ~/mysession.vim". ":mks" works too. Then just source the file and there you go.

标签: vim nerdtree