In my android app I use AsynTask with Progress Dialog (Please wait login in ...) for logining user with my web page (web service function inside AsynTask)
I want to dismiss Progress Dialog and cancel AsynTask when user click on Back button on device.
I can't find that kind of example, for interrupting AsynTask. I read abouth cancel(boolean) but I don't know how to call from UI.
Can anyone give me idea.
public MyActivity extends Activity {
private MyAsyncTask task;
public onCreate() {
task = new MyAsyncTask(); // MyAsyncTask has a progress dialog and dismiss it
// in an overrided cancel() method
private void handleOnBackButton() {
Then all you need is to call handleOnBackButton()
when user presses back or home. You can do it using onKeyDown()
ProgressDialog progressDialog =,
progressDialog.setOnCancelListener(new OnCancelListener() {
public void onCancel(DialogInterface dialog) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
// Do something...
The setCancelable(true) method sets whether the dialog is cancelable with the BACK key.
You can execute finishing codes through setOnCancelListener -> onCancel method.
You just have to set your ProgressDialog cancelable. And it will disappear when you click "Back" button.
Like This :
You have to override onBackPressed to dismiss the ProgressDialog as well as cancel AsyncTask
public void onBackPressed() {
I have found that the back button event is consumed the ProgressDialog that is 'show'n, so the Activity does not get to act on the cancel. I had to add a listener to the dialog:
mProgress = ProgressDialog
.show(this, getText(R.string.progress_title),
getText(R.string.progressing), true, true,
new OnCancelListener() {
public void onCancel(DialogInterface pd) {
I found it much cleaner to use the Activity's dialog management and add an onDismissListener during onCreateDialog. The dismiss listener can cancel the task. No need to hold a reference to the dialog and that is the only place we need to listen for user cancel.