I'm finding this a strange place to be at a bit of a loss, but if I cant' do this:
koObserv(koObserv() + 1);
and a method is not provided, am I forced to do:
koObserv = ko.observable(koObserv() + 1)
This seems really clumsy.. is there another way that I'm missing?
Here is a fiddle that demonstrates incrementing:
As you can see self.num(self.num() + 1);
does work.
you could abstract these logic into an extend observable
ko.observable.fn.increment = function (value) {
this(this() + (value || 1));
var counter = ko.observable(0);
console.log(counter()); // 0
console.log(counter()); // 1
console.log(counter()); // 2
console.log(counter()); // 7
I would suggest you to, if you use a lot of increment, create some helper function to do the increment and pass it the reference of your observable. You end up with more readable code.
var increment = function (observable) {
observable(observable() + 1);
var MyViewModel = function () {
this.num1 = ko.observable(0);
this.incrementNum = function (observable) {
// passing the observable by reference to the helper function
<button data-bind="click: incrementNum.bind($root, num1)">
JSFiddle example