In MongoDB/Mongoose, how do I define a relationship? I think there are a few ways I've seen, but I'm not sure I understand the differences or when do I use which. I am using Mongoose 3
I've defined Todo
and TodoList
model, where the relationship is obvious. So following the docs, I've defined classes like:
mongoose = require "mongoose"
todoSchema = mongoose.Schema
name: String
desc: String
dueOn: Date
completedOn: Date
module.exports = mongoose.model "Todo", todoSchema
mongoose = require "mongoose"
Todo = require "./Todo"
todoListSchema = mongoose.Schema
name: String
todos: [Todo.schema]
module.exports = mongoose.model "TodoList", todoListSchema
Then I tried testing the classes:
list = new TodoList
name: "List 1"
todos: [
{ name: "Todo 1", desc: "Hello", dueOn: new Date(2012,10,1), completedOn: new Date(2012,10,2) }
{ name: "Todo 2" }
{ name: "Todo 3", desc: "Hello 2", dueOn: new Date(2012,10,6), completedOn: new Date(2012,10,2) }
{ name: "Todo 4" }
#list.todos.push { name: "Todo 5" }
console.log "List", list (err) ->
if !err
TodoList.find {}, (err, lists) ->
console.log "TODOS"
console.log lists.length, lists
console.log "ERROR!!!"
done err
When I try to do Todo.find()
I get nothing, so the Model (
) is kind of redundant? It looks like Todo
are stored in TodoList
, as a user I may not care, but I wonder what are the implications? Eg. will the document get too large? 1 TodoList with too many Todos? Does that matter? What if I allow nested Todos (not that I want to do itm just for understanding), is it better to store documents separately then? How do I do that, if I so desire, and when do I do it?
I saw another method, in Mongoose 2 actually, dunno if its possible in 3, something like using ObjectId
instead of nested docs. Maybe thats to store it separately?