I just installed the OpenJDK version of the JDK 11 General-Availability Release on Windows 10. I tried to install it as a JRE in the just-released Eclipse 2018-09 (4.9.0), and a message appared in the Eclipse dialog saying:
You selected a JRE that this version of Eclipse JDT does not yet support fully. Some of the features may not work as expected.
What is the problem?
- Does Eclipse 2018-09 not fully support JDK 11?
- Or is it that Eclipse doesn't fully support OpenJDK 11 but supports the Oracle JDK 11?
- What "features" specifically can I expect to "not work as expected"?
Update: From an Internet search, I found some code that seems to indicate that Eclipse has an internal list of known Java versions, and it gives the above message if the new JDK version has a higher version than the known Java versions. (That's how I interpret the code.) Really? Eclipse launched a new 2018-09 version, just days before JDK 11 was released, without updating its list of known Java versions to include Java 11??
Maybe someone has a more authoritative answer.