I have two pandas dataframes.
noclickDF = DataFrame([[0,123,321],[0,1543,432]], columns=['click', 'id','location'])
clickDF = DataFrame([[1,123,421],[1,1543,436]], columns=['click', 'location','id'])
I simply want to join such that the final DF will look like:
click | id | location
0 123 321
0 1543 432
1 421 123
1 436 1543
As you can see the column names of both original DF's are the same, but not in the same order. Also there is no join in a column.
You could also use pd.concat:
In [36]: pd.concat([noclickDF, clickDF], ignore_index=True)
click id location
0 0 123 321
1 0 1543 432
2 1 421 123
3 1 436 1543
Under the hood, DataFrame.append
calls pd.concat
has code for handling various types of input, such as Series, tuples, lists and dicts. If you pass it a DataFrame, it passes straight through to pd.concat
, so using pd.concat
is a bit more direct.
For future users (sometime >pandas 0.23.0):
You may also need to add sort=True to sort the non-concatenation axis when it is not already aligned (i.e. to retain the OP's desired concatenation behavior). I used the code contributed above and got a warning, see Python Pandas User Warning. The code below works and does not throw a warning.
In [36]: pd.concat([noclickDF, clickDF], ignore_index=True, sort=True)
click id location
0 0 123 321
1 0 1543 432
2 1 421 123
3 1 436 1543
You can use append for that
df = noclickDF.append(clickDF)
print df
click id location
0 0 123 321
1 0 1543 432
0 1 421 123
1 1 436 1543
and if you need you can reset the index by
print df
click id location
0 0 123 321
1 0 1543 432
2 1 421 123
3 1 436 1543