How to remove package filter?

2019-03-17 22:07发布


How do I disable a package filter? I keep getting this message....

Ignoring unknown package filter 'build-tools-23.0.0_rc2'
Warning: The package filter removed all packages. There is nothing to install.
     Please consider trying to update again without a package filter.


First of all make sure you have installed build-tools-23.0.0 using the sdk manager.

Then open the build.gradle file at app level and remove the 'rc2' part from the line buildToolsVersion "23.0.0 rc2"

This is how I have solved the same issue. Hope it helps.


Solved!!! I was facing the same issue and after searching for quite a long time, I found this way around:

  1. open your cmd
  2. go to sdk dir
  3. if ./tools/android list sdk -e prints id: 1 or "tools" there is an update for the sdk tools available
  4. ./tools/android update sdk -u -a -t tools installs/updates the sdk tools (it reinstalls if already installed)

It will ask y/n. Choose yes, it starts installing.

Finally what solved my problem is to download this rar file (containing the 23.0.0_rc2 sdk files), and extract it inside sdk->build-tools.


I had this same issue it was resolved after fixing my syntax in my build.gradle. One of my closing brackets was in the wrong place.

Hope this helps