I want to assign the value obtained from the concatenation of these two variables with a string.
{assign var="url" value="{$WS_PATH}aircraft_images/{$images[i].image}"}
Please let me know how can we do this in smarty.
I want to assign the value obtained from the concatenation of these two variables with a string.
{assign var="url" value="{$WS_PATH}aircraft_images/{$images[i].image}"}
Please let me know how can we do this in smarty.
One of these should work:
{assign var="url" value=$WS_PATH|cat:"aircraft_images/"|cat:$images[i].image}
{assign var="url" value="`$WS_PATH`aircraft_images/`$images[i].image`"}
I am not sure if the $images[i].image will be parsed correctly, you may have to {assign} it to another variable first
You've used assign
A simplified example could look like this:
$tpl = new Smarty;
{assign var="url" value="{$var1} - and - {$var2}"}
...will result to the output:
Hello - and - World
such an expression will do the trick:
{$product1_photo = "{$smarty.const.IMG_URL}/{$pInfo.PhotoName}"}