Coffeescript supports strings interpolation:
user = "world"
greeting = "Hello #{user}!"
Is it possible to use interpolation in regex just like in strings? E.g.
regex = /Hello #{user}/g
P.S. I know that I can use RegExp(greeting, 'g')
, I just want a bit cleaner code.
Block Regular Expressions (Heregexes) support interpolation.
Block Regular Expressions
Similar to block strings and comments,
CoffeeScript supports block regexes — extended regular expressions
that ignore internal whitespace and can contain comments and
interpolation. Modeled after Perl's /x modifier, CoffeeScript's block
regexes are delimited by /// and go a long way towards making complex
regular expressions readable.
This coffeescript code:
compiles to
var name, test;
name = "hello";
test = RegExp("" + name);