I want to give the possibility to match string with wildcard *
$mystring = 'dir/folder1/file';
$pattern = 'dir/*/file';
stringMatchWithWildcard($mystring,$pattern); //> Returns true
Example 2:
$mystring = 'string bl#abla;y';
$pattern = 'string*y';
stringMatchWithWildcard($mystring,$pattern); //> Returns true
I thought something like:
function stringMatch($source,$pattern) {
$pattern = preg_quote($pattern,'/');
$pattern = str_replace( '\*' , '.*?', $pattern); //> This is the important replace
return (bool)preg_match( '/^' . $pattern . '$/i' , $source );
Basically replacing *
to .*?
(considering in *nix
environment *
matches empty
string) ©vbence
Any improvments/suggests?
// Added return (bool)
because preg_match returns int
There is no need for preg_match
here. PHP has a wildcard comparison function, specifically made for such cases:
And fnmatch('dir/*/file', 'dir/folder1/file')
would likely already work for you. But beware that the *
wildcard would likewise add further slashes, like preg_match would.
Causes non-greedy matching for all characters. This is NOT equal to "*" becuase it will not match the empty string.
The following pattern will match the empty string too:
stringMatchWithWildcard ("hello", "hel*lo"); // will give true
You should just use .*
$pattern = str_replace( '*' , '.*', $pattern); //> This is the important replace
Edit: Also your ^
and $
were in the wrong order.
function stringMatchWithWildcard($source,$pattern) {
$pattern = preg_quote($pattern,'/');
$pattern = str_replace( '\*' , '.*', $pattern);
return preg_match( '/^' . $pattern . '$/i' , $source );
$mystring = 'dir/folder1/file';
$pattern = 'dir/*/file';
echo stringMatchWithWildcard($mystring,$pattern);
$mystring = 'string bl#abla;y';
$pattern = 'string*y';
echo stringMatchWithWildcard($mystring,$pattern);
Working demo: http://www.ideone.com/mGqp2
You're mixing up ending ($
) and beginning (^
). This:
preg_match( '/$' . $pattern . '^/i' , $source );
Should be:
preg_match( '/^' . $pattern . '$/i' , $source );
The one problem you'll have is that the call to preg_quote()
will escape the asterisk character. Given that, your str_replace()
will replace the *
, but not the escape character in front of it.
Therefore you should change the str_replace('*' ..)
with str_replace('\*'..)
$pattern = str_replace( '\*' , '.+?', $pattern); // at least one character