I am trying to write a plugin/extension for Brackets that will handle PowerShell. Well after looking into it, I found that CodeMirror also doesn't have a PowerShell mode, so I need to create it myself. I am having a terrible time because there are hardly any detailed resources online for what I am trying to do.
This is my main.js
define(function (require, exports, module){
"use strict";
//Load Modules
var LanguageManager = brackets.getModule("language/LanguageManager"),
CodeMirror = brackets.getModule("thirdparty/CodeMirror2/lib/codemirror"),
PowerShellMode = require("powershell.js");
//Define the Language
LanguageManager.defineLanguage("powershell", {
name: "PowerShell",
mode: "powershell",
fileExtensions: ["ps1"],
lineComment: ["\/\/"]
function log(s) {
console.log("[PS-DevKit] " +s);
log("PowerShell module loaded!");
This is my powershell.js
//CodeMirror Example
CodeMirror.defineMode("powershell", function() {
startStat: function() {return {inString: false};},
token: function(stream, state){
//If a string starts here
if (!state.inString && stream.peek() == '"'){
stream.next(); //Skip quote
state.inString = true; //Update state
if (state.inString) {
if (stream.skipTo('"')){ //Quote found on this line
stream.next(); //Skip quote
state.inString=false; //Clear flag
} else {
stream.skipToEnd(); //Rest of line is string
return "red-text"; //Token style
} else {
stream.skipTo('"') || stream.skipToEnd();
return null; //Unstyled token
When running Brackets with this code as is, I get an error (developer console) that it could not load my powershell.js
file from "Program Files(x86)\Brackets\www". So I tried putting in the exact path to where the file is (the Bracket extensions folder sitting in my User directory), and it worked but I get the following message:
Use brackets.getModule("thirdparty/CodeMirror2/lib/codemirror") instead of global CodeMirror.
at Object.defineProperty.get (/brackets.js:115:32)
at file:///C:/Users/MY_USERNAME/AppData/Roaming/Brackets/extensions/user/PS-DevKit/powershell.js:2:1
Any input? Right now, all I am trying to do is get it to load and change any text in quotes to red. Even though I get the deprecation warning about needing to use the CodeMirror module, the extension does load, and if I create a ".ps1" file, it recognizes that it is PowerShell.