I am working with R (shiny) and want to save a dataframe as an excel file. For this purpose I use the "shinyFiles" package so that the user can specify where the excel file is to be stored:
server.R library(shiny) library(shinyFiles)
shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
## ShinyFiles : get the user favorite directory
volumes=c(home = '~/'),
shinyDirChoose(input, 'dir', roots=volumes, filetypes = c('','xlsx')),
output$dir.res <- renderPrint({parseDirPath(volumes, input$dir)}),
## Button to save the file
observeEvent(input$button.save, {
## A standard file name
A <- "name"
B <- "family
if( input$text == "File name..." ) outFile <- paste( A, "_", B, ".xlsx", sep="" )
## Append the path to the file name
outFile <- paste( parseDirPath(volumes, input$path.out), outFile, sep="/" )
## The data to be saved
d = data.frame( x )
write.xlsx( d, outFile )
and the ui.R
## Choose the output directory
shinyDirButton("dir", "Choose directory", "Upload"),
## Choose the output file name
textInput("text", label = "", value = "File name..."),
## Save the data
actionButton("button.save", "Save the file"),
## Give the path selected
Despite all the examples found for similar questions I have been trying around for 2h (shame..) and will be thankful for help