C++11 lambda and template specialization

2019-03-17 00:57发布


I would like to know what is the correct type definition for the lambda presented below, so that the following code will compile using a conformant c++11 compiler:

#include <cstdio>
#include <string>

template<class Func>
class foo
   foo(Func func)
   : fum(func){}
   Func fum;

int main()
   foo<???> fi([](int i) -> bool { printf("%d",i); return true; });
   return 0;

I guess another way it could be done is like so:

template<typename Func>
foo<Func> make_foo(Func f)
   return foo<Func>(f);

int main()
   auto fi = make([](int i) -> bool { printf("%d",i); return true; });
   return 0;


It's auto + decltype:

auto l = [](int i) -> bool { printf("%d",i); return true; };
foo<decltype(l)> fi(l);

Every single lambda has a different, unique, unnamed type. You, as a coder, just can not name it.

However, in your case, since the lambda doesn't capture anything (empty []), it is implicitly convertible to a pointer-to-function, so this would do:

foo<bool(*)(int)> fi([](int i) -> bool { printf("%d",i); return true; });


It's std::function<bool(int)>. Or possibly just bool(*)(int) if you prefer, since the lambda doesn't capture.

(The raw function pointer might be a bit more efficient, since std::function does (at least in some cases) require dynamic allocation for some type erasure magic.)