I've created a console program using the code from http://fssnip.net/3K. And I found that
I'd to add "System.Console.ReadLine() |> ignore" at the end to wait for the finish of threads. Is it possible to tell all the MailBoxProcessors are done and the program can exit itself?
I tried to change the test url "www.google.com" to something invalid url and I got the following output. Is it possible to avoid the "outputting race"?
http://www.google.co1m crawled by agent 1. AgAAAent gent 3 is done. gent 2 is done. 5 is done. gent 4 is done. Agent USupervisor RL collector is done. is done. 1 is done.
The last output/crawling is still terminated after using Tomas's update http://fssnip.net/65. The following is the output of the program after I changed the "limit" to 5 and added some debugging messages. The last line shows the truncated URL. Is it a way to detect if all the crawlers finish their execution?
[Main] before crawl
[Crawl] before return result
http://news.google.com crawled by agent 1.
[supervisor] reached limit
http://www.gstatic.com/news/img/favicon.ico crawled by agent 5.
Agent 2 is done.
[supervisor] reached limit
Agent 5 is done.
http://www.google.com/imghp?hl=en&tab=ni crawled by agent 3.
[supervisor] reached limit
Agent 3 is done.
http://www.google.com/webhp?hl=en&tab=nw crawled by agent 4.
[supervisor] reached limit
Agent 4 is done.
I changed the main code to
printfn "[Main] before crawl"
crawl "http://news.google.com" 5
|> Async.RunSynchronously
printfn "[Main] after crawl"
However, the last printfn "[Main] after crawl" is never executed, unless I add a Console.Readline() at the end.
[Edit 2]
The code runs fine under fsi. However it will have the same problem if it was run using fsi --use:Program.fs --exec --quiet