I'm beginner in angularjs.
I read a lot about file uploading and etc.
But couldn't find any topics for this case that i will describe in further.
I want to choose a file with helping of a button(with search Name) in below code
then when we click on second button (with upload Name), my chose file upload in a local drive that i made in D:\Uploaded Files already
for example
I want choose a file from desktop with search button, then when we click on upload, this file copy to D:\Uploaded Files
If it's possible please show me in fiddler.
Thanks all.
Thanks all for shairing
You need to use a directive like below.
uploader.directive("readfile", [function () {
return {
scope: {
readfile: "="
link: function (scope, element, attributes) {
element.bind("change", function (changeEvent) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function (loadEvent) {
scope.$apply(function () {
scope.readfile = { "FileName":changeEvent.target.value.split('\\').pop() , "Content":loadEvent.target.result , "Size":loadEvent.total };
For uploading the files:
function MyCTRL($scope, $http, $modal)
$scope.fileUpload=function ()
$scope.attachedFile.push ({
"fileGUID": GUID() + "." + $scope.currentFile.FileName.split('.').pop(),
"fileName": $scope.currentFile.FileName,
"fileGroup": $scope.currentFileGroup,
"fileDescription": $scope.currentFileDescription,
"fileSize": $scope.currentFile.Size,
"fileContent": $scope.currentFile.Content,
"fileState": "wait"
$scope.currentFile = "";
$scope.currentFileGroup = "";
$scope.currentFileDescription = "";
var saveFile = new dataStructure();
var fileContent = "";
for (var i=0; i < $scope.attachedFile.length; i++) {
if($scope.attachedFile[i].fileState!="sent") {
fileContent = $scope.attachedFile[i].fileContent;
saveFile.EntityInfo[0].Name = $scope.attachedFile[i].fileGUID;
saveFile.EntityInfo[0].Type = "CUSTOMFILE";
saveFile.EntityData = [
{"Content": fileContent}
var inputjsondata = JSON.stringify(saveFile);
$http({ method: 'POST', url: rootURL + '/data/savefilecontent', data: inputjsondata, dataType: 'text', processData: false, async: false, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8' } }).success(function (data) {
$scope.attachedFile[i].fileState = "sent";
"FilenameGUID": $scope.attachedFile[i].fileGUID,
"Filename": $scope.attachedFile[i].fileName,
"Group": $scope.attachedFile[i].fileGroup,
"Description": $scope.attachedFile[i].fileDescription,
"UploadDate": uploadGregorianDate()
And now everything is fine.
Did you mean upload a local file from your client computer to a server? or local to local?
If it's the first case:
- File upload sample: https://github.com/danialfarid/angular-file-upload
- If you want to give a try dumping as well to an azure storage: http://lemoncode.net/2014/01/15/angularjs-web-api-azure-storage/ (this sample contains the whole app including a directive, you can remove the azure storage part and directly dump into a server folder).