Paste clipboard image to canvas

2019-03-16 20:47发布


I have a canvas that i need the users to be able to paste an image onto. I would like this to be cross browser. I would like only to use html/javascript. I would also be willing to use a flash object.


This works fine in Chrome, though as of yet I haven't been able to figure out how to get it to work in Firefox. You can use this jQuery plugin to detect clipboard pastes. I'll assume you know how to draw the image once you have the data from the clipboard.

(($) ->
  $.event.fix = ((originalFix) ->
    (event) ->
      event = originalFix.apply(this, arguments)

      if event.type.indexOf('copy') == 0 || event.type.indexOf('paste') == 0
        event.clipboardData = event.originalEvent.clipboardData

      return event


  defaults =
    callback: $.noop
    matchType: /image.*/

  $.fn.pasteImageReader = (options) ->
    if typeof options == "function"
      options =
        callback: options

    options = $.extend({}, defaults, options)

    this.each () ->
      element = this
      $this = $(this)

      $this.bind 'paste', (event) ->
        found = false
        clipboardData = event.clipboardData clipboardData.types, (type, i) ->
          return if found
          return unless type.match(options.matchType)

          file = clipboardData.items[i].getAsFile()

          reader = new FileReader()

          reader.onload = (evt) ->
  , file, evt)


          found = true


To use:

  callback: (file, event) ->
    # Draw the image with the data from


As far as I know, there is no way to do this just with JavaScript and HTML. However, this blog post describes achieving this using a Java applet