I want to add share extension on Apple's Maps, does anyone know how to do. I try to set NSExtensionAttributes as below but it don't work, my APP doesn't show in the Maps's share sheet.
I'm not sure why NSExtensionActivationSupportsText
doesn't work with Maps, but I get the same result when I try.
What you need is a more complex activation rule. Set the type of the activation rule to "string", and set up the value using the SUBQUERY
format described in the App Extension Programming Guide. When you do that you can request one or more specific UTIs. Maps will provide plain text (public.plain-text
), which should be equivalent to NSExtensionActivationSupportsText
but apparently is not. It also provides a location card (public.card
) and a URL (public.url
An activation rule that checks for any of these by the UTIs would look like
SUBQUERY(extensionItems, $extensionItem, SUBQUERY($extensionItem.attachments, $attachment, ANY $attachment.registeredTypeIdentifiers UTI-CONFORMS-TO "public.plain-text").@count >= 1).@count >= 1 OR SUBQUERY(extensionItems, $extensionItem, SUBQUERY($extensionItem.attachments, $attachment, SUBQUERY($attachment.registeredTypeIdentifiers, $uti, $uti UTI-CONFORMS-TO "public.url" AND NOT $uti UTI-CONFORMS-TO "public.file-url").@count >= 1).@count >= 1).@count >= 1 OR SUBQUERY(extensionItems, $extensionItem, SUBQUERY($extensionItem.attachments, $attachment, ANY $attachment.registeredTypeIdentifiers UTI-CONFORMS-TO "public.vcard").@count >= 1).@count >= 1
That's just three SUBQUERY
clauses that check for each of those UTIs, OR-ed together.
Depending on what data you can handle, you might want to reduce that to cover only UTIs that your extension knows how to deal with. For example if all you want is the URL, only use that part:
SUBQUERY(extensionItems, $extensionItem, SUBQUERY($extensionItem.attachments, $attachment, SUBQUERY($attachment.registeredTypeIdentifiers, $uti, $uti UTI-CONFORMS-TO "public.url" AND NOT $uti UTI-CONFORMS-TO "public.file-url").@count >= 1).@count >= 1).@count >= 1
This version just checks that you're getting a URL which is not a file URL.
Maps provides an Apple Maps URL which will be something like http://maps.apple.com/?q=37.332331,-122.031219&sll=37.332331,-122.031219
If you use the vcard UTI, you'll get an NSString
encoded into an NSData
. If you decode it, it looks something like this:
PRODID:-//Apple Inc.//iOS 8.2//EN
N:;Shared Location;;;
FN:Shared Location
item2.X-ABLabel:map url