I'm writing some watir test cases:
browser.goto "http://egauge2592.egaug.es/"
browser.text_field(:index,4).set("some text")
then a 'Authentication Required' dialogue opens, asking for username and password .
No matter how I tried, I couldn't access the text fields.
I tried send_keys
and JavaScript.
I also tried Watir.autoit
but it says undefined method.
I'm using watir on a Ubuntu machine with the FireFox browser.
How to fill in username and password fields of that dialogue box?
I was able to enter username with browser.alert.set but could only set username couldn't access password field.
I wrote a firefox plugin to deal with this problem recently. I haven't tried it with headless Firefox, but it might work... worth a try. See the following for details:
To get it working with watir, try the following:
browser = Watir::Browser.new
#go to a page that won't bring up the authentication dialog...
browser.goto 'http://www.google.co.uk'
#prepare the script...
pass_man_update_script = <<-SCRIPT
var addCredentialsEvent = new CustomEvent("add_credentials_to_passman", {
detail: {
host: 'http://secure.example.com',
username: 'bob',
password: 'P45sword'
#inject the script into the browser:
browser.execute_script pass_man_update_script
#go to the page that prompts the dialog box...
browser.goto "http://secure.example.com"
#you should now be past the dialog box!
I use watir-webdriver instead and this (http://watirwebdriver.com/basic-browser-authentication/) works for me.
Just put your basic auth credentials in the url:
browser.goto "http://user:pass@egauge2592.egaug.es/"