how you can do this kind of animations in the ActionBar?
Example animation actionBar material design
how you can do this kind of animations in the ActionBar?
Example animation actionBar material design
Currently there isn't public API to obtain this.
You can try this library:
I have used balysv/material-menu library and implemented successfully.
ActionView By Markushi requires API level 14+ but material-menu by balysv can be used with ActionBarSherLock
also with animation customization.
Here you have four icon states:
BURGER, ARROW, X, CHECK. You can use (X, CHECK) for delete operation and (BURGER, ARROW) for navigation drawer.
One more feature that i like is pressed circle animation. Here we have choice between pressed circle animation and non-pressed circle animation.
You can have full control of animation while sliding a drawer like this,
Android Support Library v7's ActionBarDrawerToggle has that animation.
Here is the instruction to add support library v7 to your project.
In addition to Gabriele Mariotti's answer.
You might try to replace with the ActionView
from the library he mentioned.
Find the view and replace it:
private void replaceHomeView(Activity activity){
View homeView;
Resources resources = activity.getResources();
int id = resources.getIdentifier("android:id/home", null, null);
homeView = activity.getWindow().getDecorView().findViewById(id);
} else {
homeView = activity.getWindow().getDecorView().findViewById(;
Remove and replace home icon ImageView
private replace(View home){
ViewGroup parent = (ViewGroup) view.getParent();
int homeIndex = parent.indexOfChild(view);
ActionView newHome = new ActionView(home.getContext));
parent.addView(newHome, homeIndex);
Note: I haven't tested this myself.