JAVA - Simple GET request, using SSL certificate a

2019-03-16 18:40发布


I have a file with the '.pfx' extension and a password to this certificate.

What I need to do is to send a simple GET request to a webservice and read the response body.

I need to implement a method similar to this:

String getHttpResponse(String url, String certificateFile, String passwordToCertificate){

I also tried converting the certificate to a format "with no password" using openssl:

Convert a PKCS#12 file (.pfx .p12) containing a private key and certificates to PEM:
openssl pkcs12 -in keyStore.pfx -out keyStore.pem -nodes

So the alternate implementaion of the my method could be:

String getHttpResponse(String url, String certificateFile){

I would really appreciate your help, I spent half a day googling for it, but I haven't found an example that would help me, it seems I have problems with undestanding some basic assumptions around SSL and stuff.


I finally found a good solution (without creating custom SSL context):

String getHttpResponseWithSSL(String url) throws Exception {
    //default truststore parameters
    System.setProperty("", "/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/lib/securitycacerts");
    System.setProperty("", "changeit");
    System.setProperty("", "JKS");

    //my certificate and password
    System.setProperty("", "mycert.pfx");
    System.setProperty("", "mypass");
    System.setProperty("", "PKCS12");

    HttpClient httpclient = new HttpClient();

    GetMethod method = new GetMethod();

    int statusCode = httpclient.executeMethod(method);
    System.out.println("Status: " + statusCode);


    return method.getResponseBodyAsString();


This question should have your answer:

HTTPClient-1.4.2: Explanation needed for Custom SSL Context Example

You need to use httpclient to create the request and then use a key manager.