I just update Android Studio and I can't build any project, even newly created ones.
The error I got is:
Error:Could not run build action using Gradle distribution 'https://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-2.4.zip'.
what should I do?
I just update Android Studio and I can't build any project, even newly created ones.
The error I got is:
Error:Could not run build action using Gradle distribution 'https://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-2.4.zip'.
what should I do?
We have two famous way for this problem:
1- update the gradle:
step 1:
Get latest version supported by Android Studio from:
step 2:
Extract the gradle file and install to dists folder(gradle folder): default location is: C:\Users[username]\gradle\wrapper\dists
step 3:
Open Android Studio: File/Settings/Gradle/Service directory path: (Change to folder you set above) and Click ok.
Status on bottom should indicate it's busy & error should be fixed.
step 4:
restart Android Studio
2- Delete the .gradle folder:
default location is:
after that open Android Studio and make a new project (might need to reastart).
The link you are using is wrong.
Check the gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties