I was wondering if someone could help me understand why I am getting an error message when I enter a script into R. For abit of background information I am looking into the effect 6 different variables (which I think is 63 combinations or models) (X) have on gross primary and net ecosystem production (Y) seperatly at different spatial scales for my environmental science honours project. I have decided to use exhaustive search multiple regression analysis with akaikes information criterion (AIC) to try and find a group of models for best fit. (and hierarchical partitioning to compare variance attributed to different X variables) I want to get the weights so I can rank which models "best meet" the criterion see if there is one or a group of them that outfit the rest and therefore be a more likely fit to the data.
I recently posted a similar question on the hier.part package on Cross Validated received a great answer and was told to come here if I had any similar questions in the future.
The package I am using for R is glmulti. which can be found here
The script i am using is this
GPPANDDRIVER<-read.table("C:\\Databases at different scales for R\\River Rhine and Netherlands\\GPP and drivers rhineland (comma delimited).csv",header=T,sep=",")
# glmulti S4 generic
glmulti(y=GPP, xr=IND_VARS, data, exclude = c(), name = "glmulti.analysis", intercept = TRUE, marginality = FALSE, bunch=30, chunk = 1, chunks = 1,
level = 2, minsize = 0, maxsize = -1, minK = 0, maxK = -1, method = "h", crit = "aic", confsetsize = 63, popsize = 40, mutrate = 10^-3, sexrate = 0.1, imm = 0.3, plotty = TRUE, report = TRUE, deltaM = 0.05, deltaB = 0.05, conseq = 5, fitfunction = "glm", resumefile = "id", includeobjects=TRUE,)
Here is the link for the .csv data for sites in the rhineland mentioned in the example, http://www.filedropper.com/gppanddriversrhinelandcommadelimited
I am extremely new to R so I presumed popsize means the number of replicates which is 40 for this scale so I used 40, I also assumed confsetsize meant number of possible models which I believe is 63 due to the 6 variables?
If anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated
Thanks for you patience and apologies for the basic question
edit I just tried running the script this morning and it now crashes R.