I have an application that stores and edits notes. The list of notes is displayed in a listview like this:
Page {
id: noteList
title: i18n.tr("QNote")
visible: false
Column {
anchors.fill: parent
ListView {
anchors.fill: parent
model: notes
delegate: ListItem.Standard {
text: Title
onClicked: editNote(NoteText, Title, modelData);
progression: true
function editNote(text, title, item) {
pageStack.push(noteEdit, {title: title, text: text});
The notes item is a NoteListModel that subclasses the QAbstractListModel and contains NoteListItems. What I would like to do is to store the currently selected NoteListItem so I could easily access the Note object inside when the user wants to save the modified note. However, I don't know how to access the backing NoteListItem from the qml delegate. the modelData seems to be something else. Is there any way to do so? If i could wrap the Note object in a QVariant I could access it easily through roles but when I tried it like this
QVariant NoteListItem::data(int role) {
switch (role) {
case Title:
return note.getTitle();
case NoteText:
return note.getText();
case NoteObject:
return QVariant::fromValue(note);
return QVariant();
it resulted in a compiler error saying
qmetatype.h:642: error: invalid application of 'sizeof' to incomplete type 'QStaticAssertFailure'
Or should i try to access the selected list item from the backing code? Is there any way for that? Dou you have any ideas?
Thanks for your time. Regards, Peter