I am running into problems reshaping my document during aggregation for grouping. Basically I want to push entries to fields depending in their type. I have a structure as follows:
_id: P1
entities: [{type: A, val: X}, {type: B, val: X}, {type: A, val: Y}]
I want to $unwind and $project these entities so that get a structure like:
_id: P1
A: [X]
B: []
_id: P1
A: [Y]
B: []
_id: P1
A: []
B: [X]
so i can perform a grouping by A or B or both, i.e.
$group: {
_id: {
A: $A,
B: $B
count: {$sum : 1}
I thought I could simply do:
$unwind: $entities
$project: {
id: §id
A: {"$cond":[{"$eq":["$type","A"]},"$code"]}
B: {"$cond":[{"$eq":["$type","B"]},"$code"]}
$group: {
_id: "$id"
A: {$addToSet : "$A"}
or failing that something like
$unwind: $entities
$group: {
_id: "$id"
A: {"$cond":[{"$eq":["$type","A"]},$push: "$code", null]}
but both versions fail because I cannot do nothing on else and I did not manage to use $push inside a conditional. The closest I got is project depending on the type, but since I could not find a way not to add anything to the field when there was no match, I end up with:
_id: P1
A: [X,null,Y]
B: [null,X,null]
which messes up the counting. My second idea was to filter the arrays to remove null. But I did not find a way to remove entities, because again $cond wouldnt let me specify an empty/"do nothing" else case.
I have a feeling it could work with grouping by type and content with matching of the required types, but because I have many types and arbitrary groupings resulting in a grouping tree, this might become very complicated. Ideas or hints to mistakes would be very welcome.
Thank you
EDIT: The solution based on the accepted anwser
I had to slightly adapt it, to filter cases where all content of a type was null, because otherwise it would have been lost during matching and because I want to keep that knowledge. Thanks!
A: {$cond: [
{$eq: ["$A", [false]]},
B: {$cond: [
{$eq: ["$B", [false]]},
{ "$unwind": "$A" },
{ "$match": { "A": { "$ne": false } } },
{ "$group": {
"_id": "$_id",
"A": { "$push": "$A" },
"B": { "$first": "$B" }
{ "$unwind": "$B" },
{ "$match": { "B": { "$ne": false } } },
{ "$group": {
"_id": "$_id",
"A": { "$first": "$A" },
"B": { "$push": "$B" }