Error in VHDL (Xilinx): failed to link the design

2019-03-16 13:36发布


why I get error in VHDL for this? Also, sometimes: cannot do process as a process failed previously?

Many thanks.


For the process failing part, it seems that Xilinx tool writers may have an issue try restarting them and if needed, your machine as well.


Permanent solution 1: on win 10 Find the "installation directory \ Xilinx \ 14.x \ ISE_DS \ ISE \ gnu \ MinGW \ 5.0.0 \ nt \ libexec \ gcc \ mingw32 \ 3.4.2 \ collect2.exe" and delete it and re-run the emulator, the problem resolved! !

Just delete this or cut and paste somewhere as else, now re-run the code or test bench it will work.

Please accept the solution if find working

No need to update any minGW


I found answer! Look at ningunos answer and put "fuse" file in: C:\Xilinx\14.x\ISE_DS\ISE\bin\nt


  1. Download latest version of MinGW

  2. Copy all the content from the MinGW folder into Xilinx\14.2\ISE_DS\ISE\gnu\MinGW\5.0.0\nt

Now it should be working.


just run the 64bit variant of ISE


ofcourse the answer belowed is from **

Mr. Purohit Gaurav on dt of 11 jul 2016


i tried the same one on windows 8 it works perfect...........

i just cut the collect2.exe and paste it somewhere else

Permanent solution 1: on win 8 Find the "installation directory \ Xilinx \ 14.x \ ISE_DS \ ISE \ gnu \ MinGW \ 5.0.0 \ nt \ libexec \ gcc \ mingw32 \ 3.4.2 \ collect2.exe" and delete it and re-run the emulator, the problem resolved! !

Just delete this or cut and paste somewhere as else, now re-run the code or test bench it will work.


This link worked for me. Solved windows 10 issue with xilinx. I tried this solution (as mentioned in link): "ISE 14.7 64-bit - Turning off SmartHeap:"

1) Navigate to the following ISE install directory: \Xilinx\14.7\ISE_DS\ISE\lib\nt64\

2) Rename the file "libPortability.dll" to "libPortability.dll.orig".

3) Copy the "libPortabilityNOSH.dll" file to the same folder, and rename it to "libPortability.dll".

4) Repeat steps 1-3 in the following folder: \Xilinx\14.7\ISE_DS\common\lib\nt64\

The above steps substitute the original "libPortability.dll" with a "libPortability.dll" file that has SmartHeap disabled, the NOSmartHeap (NOSH) version.

This does not negatively impact the operation of the tools, and should successfully work around the ISE 14.7 crash documented above.

标签: vhdl xilinx