I read this simple and elegant python solution for finding all permutations of a given string. It is recursive. Based on that I tried to implement an iterative solution in python.
Below is my code. But it works only for 3 character strings :( Stuck trying to see how the recursion base case condition and recursion condition translates into iterative(non-recursive) Any pointers would help to get a iterative solution working.(Either based on this algorithm or any other)
def permutations_iter(word):
while True:
perms = []
result = []
char = word[0]
new_word = word[1:]
if len(new_word)==2:
perms = [new_word,''.join(reversed(new_word))]
for perm in perms:
#insert the character into every possible location
for i in range(len(perm)+1):
result.append(perm[:i] + char + perm[i:])
return result
if len(new_word)==2:
#example code to call this iterative function
print permutations_iter("LSE")