In SQL Server, I would like see Table_Name and all the Columns associated with that Table_Name in a database. So the Output should look like this:
1. Employee Employee-id, Lastname, Firstname, Title...........
2. Orders Orderid, Order-date, shipped-date, delivery-date.......
3. Products Product-id, Product-name, supplier-id, category-id.....
4. Suppliers Supplier-id, Company-name, contact-name.......
5. ............................................................
6. ...................................................
(So on....)
Is it possible to get the above results with WHILE LOOP or any other way? If YES, could you post the code.
Also, I tried to do this problem using a Temp Table:
create table #hello
(table_name1 Varchar(max))
insert into #hello(table_name1)
select table_name from information_schema.columns
create table #hello2
(table_name2 varchar(max),column_name2 varchar(max))
insert into #hello2(table_name2 ,column_name2)
select table_name,column_name from information_schema.columns
select a.table_name1,b.column_name from #hello a inner join
information_schema.columns b
on a.table_name1=b.table_name COLLATE Latin1_general_CI_AS
order by table_name
I was successful in listing the columns Vertically but i couldn't get the comma separated list of columns.