Whenever I run this command
py -m googlesamples.assistant.auth_helpers -client-secrets <secrete-location>
I get an error saying:
No module named googlesamples.assistant.auth_helpers
I'm not sure what the issue is as it worked on a different device with the same steps.
As per version 0.3.0
of the SDK the gRPC samples are using a different auth helpers.
pip install --upgrade google-auth-oauthlib[tool]
google-oauthlib-tool --client-secrets path/to/client_secret_XXXXX.json --scope https://www.googleapis.com/auth/assistant-sdk-prototype --save --headless
From there, you should be able to follow the instructions from the SDK package and gRPC package page and explore the reference sample
I got this error when I didn't enter the voice shell
. /home/pi/bin/voice-recognizer-shell.sh
then rerun
(env) pi@raspberrypi:~/voice-recognizer-raspi $ ./src/main.py
I have got the same Issue and I used these commands
python3 -m pip install --upgrade google-auth-oauthlib[tool]
google-oauthlib-tool --scope https://www.googleapis.com/auth/assistant-sdk- prototype \
--scope https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gcm \
--save --headless --client-secrets /path/to/client_secret_client-id.json
Be Sure to replace the path to client_Secrets file.
It worked for me. Hope this helps.