I have checked the iTC settings
I have uploaded the same app 2 days ago and it works fine but when today I uploaded the same app with a minor bug fix it's now showing this error.
I'm using Admob, Revmob and Applovin. But I know admob is the culprit.
The only solution for me was to trash the Admob-SDK
and integrate the Startapp-SDK
, It is compliant with the apple's new IDFA policies, you can read their documentation here.
I will let you know if Admob guys fix this issue.
From Applovin Folks
I wanted to update you on an IDFA change Apple made on Saturday. Apple's systems are automatically rejecting apps that are uploaded if the app has SDKs in it that access IDFA and still support pre-iOS 6 (where IDFA wasn't present). Our new SDK 2.3.6 (and in Unity, 3.0.9) will now pass Apple's screen since we have deprecated support for iOS 4 and 5 (only 1.5% of traffic); and note that many popular SDKs in the market act similarly so you may need to work with your other vendors on updating their software for compatibility.
I uploaded an update today(5th May, 2014) with admob 6.8.0 and it was uploaded sucessfully
It validated for me also. Initially I thought admob was the issue and might have been but after removing TapJoy and all references the app validated.
I had to remove both InMobi and Conversant (aka ValueClick/Greystripe). Then it stopped being an "Invalid Binary" and went into "Waiting for Review". I can confirm that AdColony, Chartboost and TapJoy all definitely pass Apple's check with latest SDKs. InMobi issued an SDK update on 29/4 (v4.3.0) but it does NOT pass this test.
I used Google AdMob and Flurry. With AdSupport framework removed, shows it's AdMob that's the culprit.
I can't find any recently released SDK for AdMob and Flurry, so I just change the status back to ready for binary upload again, select the answer as shown above in the screen dump, and it works for me, some screen dumps on my blog below. Hope this helps. Thanks!
I've submitted an app with AdMob today with the same settings.
It's now in Waiting for Review state.
I've used Xcode Organizer to submit the app. Maybe Apple have re-adjusted the validation.
I uploaded an app with admob sdk 6.8.0 successfully today (after removed mmedia sdk 5.2.0). I think you need to check other ad network sdk.
It appears your issue is actually coming from Applovin, not AdMob. Others seem to have succeeded with AdMob in some way, so it would make sense. These guys have come to the conclusion that it is Applovin -> Source
I've finally got mine to validate! If you remove AdSupport.framework, any culprits causing this failed validation will NOT cause a linker error. So the SDK's that are showing errors are the ones using the framework correctly, remove any others and try again. In my case Millennial was the problem.
I had an app that was at state "waiting for upload" before 12th April. After which the itunes guidelines were updated to contain section of IDFA usage when the app state is "Prepare for upload". So, because of this situation every time I turned in the binary I would get an error of "Improper IDFA usage".
For me the solution was
1.upload a binary without IDFA sdks.
2.make it "developer rejected".
3.Update the settings of IDFA after choosing "ready to upload binary" option from itunes connect.
4.Upload a new binary with IDFA sdks.