How can I define 'catchOutput' so that running main outputs only 'bar'?
That is, how can I access both the output stream (stdout) and the actual output of an io action separately?
catchOutput :: IO a -> IO (a,String)
catchOutput = undefined
doSomethingWithOutput :: IO a -> IO ()
doSomethingWithOutput io = do
(_ioOutp, stdOutp) <- catchOutput io
if stdOutp == "foo"
then putStrLn "bar"
else putStrLn "fail!"
main = doSomethingWithOutput (putStr "foo")
The best hypothetical "solution" I've found so far includes diverting stdout, inspired by this, to a file stream and then reading from that file (Besides being super-ugly I haven't been able to read directly after writing from a file. Is it possible to create a "custom buffer stream" that doesn't have to store in a file?). Although that feels 'a bit' like a side track.
Another angle seems to use 'hGetContents stdout' if that is supposed to do what I think it should. But I'm not given permission to read from stdout. Although googling it seems to show that it has been used.
Why not just use a writer monad instead? For example,
import Control.Monad.Writer
doSomethingWithOutput :: WriterT String IO a -> IO ()
doSomethingWithOutput io = do
(_, res) <- runWriterT io
if res == "foo"
then putStrLn "bar"
else putStrLn "fail!"
main = doSomethingWithOutput (tell "foo")
Alternatively, you could modify your inner action to take a Handle
to write to instead of stdout
. You can then use something like knob to make an in-memory file handle which you can pass to the inner action, and check its contents afterward.
I used the following function for an unit test of a function that prints to stdout.
import GHC.IO.Handle
import System.IO
import System.Directory
catchOutput :: IO () -> IO String
catchOutput f = do
tmpd <- getTemporaryDirectory
(tmpf, tmph) <- openTempFile tmpd "haskell_stdout"
stdout_dup <- hDuplicate stdout
hDuplicateTo tmph stdout
hClose tmph
hDuplicateTo stdout_dup stdout
str <- readFile tmpf
removeFile tmpf
return str
I am not sure about the in-memory file approach, but it works okay for a small amount of output with a temporary file.
There are some packages on Hackage that promise to do that : io-capture and silently. silently seems to be maintained and works on Windows too (io-capture only works on Unix). With silently, you use capture :
import System.IO.Silently
main = do
(output, _) <- capture $ putStr "hello"
putStrLn $ output ++ " world"
Note that it works by redirecting output to a temporary file and then read it... But as long as it works !
As @hammar pointed out, you can use a knob to create an in-memory file, but you can also use hDuplicate
and hDuplicateTo
to change stdout
to the memory file, and back again. Something like the following completely untested code:
catchOutput io = do
knob <- newKnob (pack [])
let before = do
h <- newFileHandle knob "<stdout>" WriteMode
stdout' <- hDuplicate stdout
hDuplicateTo h stdout
hClose h
return stdout'
after stdout' = do
hDuplicateTo stdout' stdout
hClose stdout'
a <- bracket_ before after io
bytes <- Data.Knob.getContents knob
return (a, unpack bytes)