I don't know what's going on here but I am trying to copy a simple file from a directory in my local filesystem to the directory specified for hdfs.
In my hdfs-site.xml I have specified that the directory for hdfs will be /home/vaibhav/Hadoop/dataNodeHadoopData using the following properties -
I am using the following command -
bin/hadoop dfs -copyFromLocal /home/vaibhav/ml-100k/u.data /home/vaibhav/Hadoop/dataNodeHadoopData
to copy the file u.data from it's local filesystem location to the directory that I specified as Hdfs directory. But when I do this, nothing happens - no error, nothing. And no file gets copied to the hdsf. Am I doing something wrong? Any permissions issue could be there?
Suggestions needed.
I am using pseudo distributed single node mode.
Also, on a related note, I want to ask that in my map reduce program I have set the configuration to point to the inputFilePath as /home/vaibhav/ml-100k/u.data. So would it not automatically copy the file from given location to hdfs ?