I'm having trouble figuring out how to add items to a ListBox
in WinForms.
I have tried:
list.DisplayMember = "clan";
list.ValueMember = sifOsoba;
How can I add ValueMember
to the list with an int
value and some text for the DisplayMember
Btw. I can't use ListBoxItem
for any reasons.
list.Items.add(new ListBoxItem("name", "value"));
The internal (default) data structure of the ListBox is the ListBoxItem.
ListBoxItem is a WPF class, NOT a WinForms class.
For WPF, use ListBoxItem.
For WinForms, the item is a Object type, so use one of these:
1. Provide your own ToString() method for the Object type.
2. Use databinding with DisplayMemeber and ValueMember (see Kelsey's answer)
In WinForms, ValueMember
and DisplayMember
are used when data-binding the list. If you're not data-binding, then you can add any arbitrary object as a ListItem
The catch to that is that, in order to display the item, ToString()
will be called on it. Thus, it is highly recommended that you only add objects to the ListBox where calling ToString()
will result in meaningful output.
You might want to checkout this SO question:
C# - WinForms - What is the proper way to load up a ListBox?
DisplayMember and ValueMember are mostly only useful if you're databinding to objects that have those properties defined. You would then need to add an instance of that object.
public class MyObject
public string clan { get; set; }
public int sifOsoba { get; set; }
public MyObject(string aClan, int aSif0soba)
this.clan = aClan;
this.sif0soba = aSif0soba;
public override string ToString() { return this.clan; }
list.Items.Add(new MyObject("hello", 5));
If you're binding it manually then you can use the example provided by goggles
The way I do this - using the format Event
MyClass c = new MyClass();
private void listBox1_Format(object sender, ListControlConvertEventArgs e)
if(e.ListItem is MyClass)
e.Value = ((MyClass)e.ListItem).ToString();
e.Value = "Unknown item added";
e.Value being the Display Text
Then you can attempt to cast the SelectedItem to MyClass to get access to anything you had in there.
Also note, you can use anything (that inherits from object anyway(which is pretty much everything)) in the Items Collection.
If you just want to add a string to it, the simple answer is:
ListBox.Items.Add("some text");
You have to create an item of type ListBoxItem and add that to the Items collection:
list.Items.add( new ListBoxItem("clan", "sifOsoba"));
If you are adding integers, as you say in your question, this will add 50 (from 1 to 50):
for (int x = 1; x <= 50; x++)
You do not need to set DisplayMember and ValueMember unless you are adding objects that have specific properties that you want to display to the user. In your example:
listbox1.Items.Add(new { clan = "Foo", sifOsoba = 1234 });