I want to write a quick server app in Sinatra. It has to be self-contained (i.e. not use apache/nginx/passenger) but also has to support SSL.
Is there an easy way to enable SSL support for Sinatra (using WEBRick for example)?
I want to write a quick server app in Sinatra. It has to be self-contained (i.e. not use apache/nginx/passenger) but also has to support SSL.
Is there an easy way to enable SSL support for Sinatra (using WEBRick for example)?
To do this with MRI ruby, use the following monkeypatch:
require 'webrick/https'
module Sinatra
class Application
def self.run!
certificate_content = File.open(ssl_certificate).read
key_content = File.open(ssl_key).read
server_options = {
:Host => bind,
:Port => port,
:SSLEnable => true,
:SSLCertificate => OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(certificate_content),
:SSLPrivateKey => OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(key_content)
Rack::Handler::WEBrick.run self, server_options do |server|
[:INT, :TERM].each { |sig| trap(sig) { server.stop } }
server.threaded = settings.threaded if server.respond_to? :threaded=
set :running, true
Then, in your standalone application:
require 'sinatra'
require 'sinatra_ssl'
set :port, 8443
set :ssl_certificate, "server.crt"
set :ssl_key, "server.key"
get "/" do
"Hello world!"
Use JRuby interpreter + jetty-rackup gem (http://github.com/geekq/jetty-rackup) Edit jetty-rackup file in the jetty-rackup gem and add a SslSocketConnector, some code to help you:
security_connector = Jetty::Security::SslSocketConnector.new
security_connector.port = config[:port]
security_connector.confidential_port = config[:port]
security_connector.keystore = keystore
security_connector.password = config[:password]
security_connector.key_password = config[:key_password].nil? ? config[:password] : config[:key_password]
security_connector.truststore = truststore
security_connector.trust_password = config[:trust_pasword].nil? ? config[:password] : config[:trust_pasword]
Sample config:
# Config
:acceptor_size: 10
:ssl: true
:keystore: keystore.jks
:password: your_pass
# :key_password: your_pass # if different
# :truststore: truststore.jks # if different
# :trust_pasword: your_pass # if different
Generating keystore.jks : http://docs.codehaus.org/display/JETTY/How+to+configure+SSL