I was thinking ,
The WebApi
along with routing mechanism
works in such way that it reads the http verb
( GET POST etc...) and then searches for matched method names / parameters :
For example :
If it's
and the URI isapi/Customers/5
:method should start with
if it has
so search a method which accepts int as parameter.etc. (there are more rules).
I mostly believe they did it using reflection.
Question :
Isn't it a performance hit , for every URI request - to search all this data just to attach a method ?
Where I could easily send a very short string from a client which will imply on the method on the server side ?
Why not doing it the simple way ? Ok cause we want to use http verbs as meaning. OK. but so much operations just to execute a method
example #1
get api/Customers/5
could be
a.ashx?m=gc&id=5 (method=GetCustomer & id=5)
example #2
put api/Customers/5?v=123
could be
a.ashx?m=uc&id=5?v=123' (method=UpdateCustomer & id=5 & value=123)
mine is even shorter.
Dont get me wrong. I believe this api was done by very smart people who knew what they talk about.
Just want o know what am I missing.