I ran into an issue, where I got the same hash value for different dictionaries. Maybe I'm doing something obvious wrong, but I thought, objects with different content (a.k.a. not equal objects) should have different hash values.
NSDictionary *dictA = @{ @"foo" : @YES };
NSDictionary *dictB = @{ @"foo" : @NO };
BOOL equal = [dictA hash] == [dictB hash];
NSAssert(!equal, @"Assuming, that different dictionaries have different hash values.");
Any thoughts?
There is no guarantee that two different objects will have different hash values.
In the latest open-source version of CoreFoundation, the hash of a CFDictionary (which is equivalent to an NSDictionary) is defined as:
static CFHashCode __CFDictionaryHash(CFTypeRef cf) {
return __CFBasicHashHash((CFBasicHashRef)cf);
and __CFBasicHashHash
is defined as:
__private_extern__ CFHashCode __CFBasicHashHash(CFTypeRef cf) {
CFBasicHashRef ht = (CFBasicHashRef)cf;
return CFBasicHashGetCount(ht);
which is simply the number of entries stored in the collection. In the other words, both [dictA hash]
and [dictB hash]
's hash value are 1, the number of entries in the dictionaries.
While it is a very bad hash algorithm, CF didn't do anything wrong here. If you need to have a more accurate hash value, you can provide one yourself in an Obj-C category.
With a dictionary with only integers, strings etc. I would use dict.description.hash
as a quick code.
A solution based on igor-kulagin's answer which is not order dependent:
@implementation NSDictionary (Extensions)
- (NSUInteger) hash
NSUInteger prime = 31;
NSUInteger result = 1;
for (NSObject *key in [[self allKeys] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(compare:)]) {
result = prime * result + [key hash];
result = prime * result + [self[key] hash];
return result;
However, there is still a possibility of collision if the dictionary contains other dictionaries as values.
The function 'hash' is not a real hash function. It gives different values for strings (all predictable) but for collections (arrays and dictionaries) it just returns the count. If you want a unique hash you can calculate it yourself using primes, or the functions srandom() and random() or explore a real hash function like SHA1 available in CommonCrypto/CommonDigest.h
I created NSDictionary category and overridden hash method based on this answer: Best practices for overriding isEqual: and hash
@implementation NSDictionary (Extensions)
- (NSUInteger) hash {
NSUInteger prime = 31;
NSUInteger result = 1;
NSArray *sortedKeys = [self.allKeys sortedArrayUsingSelector: @selector(compare:)];
for (NSObject *key in sortedKeys) {
result = prime * result + key.hash;
id value = self[key];
if ([value conformsToProtocol: @protocol(NSObject)] == YES) {
result = prime * result + [value hash];
return result;
And Swift implementation.
extension Dictionary where Key: Comparable, Value: Hashable {
public var hashValue: Int {
let prime = 31
var result = 1
let sortedKeys = self.keys.sorted()
for (key) in sortedKeys {
let value = self[key]!
result = Int.addWithOverflow(Int.multiplyWithOverflow(prime, result).0, key.hashValue).0
result = Int.addWithOverflow(Int.multiplyWithOverflow(prime, result).0, value.hashValue).0
return result
Perfectly this also requires to implement Equatable
protocol for Dictionary
so you can also add Hashable
protocol conformance.