I am using SonarQube 5.6.3. How can I create a SonarQube analysis details report as a PDF form, an excel report, or an html formatted report?
No plugin seems to be available for this.
I was unable to generate an html file using below configuration:
sonar.issuesReport.html.enable = true
sonar.issuesReport.html.location = c:\
sonar.issuesReport.html.name = sample
How can I export these details from SonarQube?
For the sonar-maven-plugin it works the same. Just add these two properties to the pom file:
<project xmlns="...>
results will be in the target/sonar folder
The Governance plugin allows to generate PDF reports. See http://docs.sonarqube.org/display/PLUG/Governance+plugin for more details. Please note that I work at SonarSource, the company developing this commercial plugin.
Governance plugin has been replaced by the SonarQube Enterprise Edition in versions 7.x.
To get html reports add these properties to your sonar.properties file