I have one vocabulary with 4 taxonomy terms
- Term A
- Term B
- Term C
- Term D
and there are some nodes which I grouped in views by taxonomy term, so the result looks
like this:
- Term 1
- Node 1
- Node 2
- Term B
- Node 3
- Node 4
... and so on...
Then I reordered terms, but there is no change when I look on the views page. Still the same order. So, please, what are the steps to make them ordered by weight?
I'll answer this question myself.. hope, that it helps some people..
In views just add 'Relationship' -> Content: Taxonomy terms on node
and then You can add in 'Sort criteria' -> (term) Taxonomy term: Weight (asc)
That's all
For me even after adding the "'Relationship' -> Content: Taxonomy terms on node" the "'Sort criteria' -> (term) Taxonomy term: Weight " was still not available.
I found out that after checking "disable views data caching" under admin/structure/views/settings/advanced it became available (as well as a lot of other sort and filter criterias).
I noticed that checking "disable views data caching" was only necessary on remote host not on localhost.
I have no idea why this is so (I am not a drupal expert), but maybe it can help someone.