This is mine Gemfile
gem 'haml'
group :development do
gem 'hpricot'
gem 'ruby_parser'
I then executed the following statements in a terminal/command window:
bundle install
rails generate devise:views users -e haml
rails generate devise:views users -t = haml
But creating devise views in erb. how to fix this issue?
Even simpler solution.
I have erb2haml installed in the development section of my Gemfile, so I just run:
rails generate devise:views
rake haml:erb2haml
# or
rake haml:replace_erbs # outdated
I have to do this
rails generate devise:views
gem "html2haml"
bundle install
for file in app/views/devise/**/*.erb; do html2haml -e $file ${file%erb}haml && rm $file; done
and now it is perfect.
Also see the devise wiki
Have a quick look here. It gives in details explanation itself from devise documentation
seems that the option to indicate which template engine to use is missing (version 3.0.0). An issue has been open for this.
its simply erb to haml conversion case. you may use any sort of haml converter. Like this one