CSS Grid Layout, Editor’s Draft, 21 November 2011
I am in the midst of producing a prototype that will be shown to client on selected devices and browsers. I am not worried about cross-browser compatibility at this time.
IE10 Developer Preview has the following:
display: -ms-grid;
-ms-grid-columns: ;
-ms-grid-rows: ;
-ms-grid-column: ;
-ms-grid-row: ;
-ms-grid-row-align: stretch;
columns: ;
column-fill: auto;
column-gap: ;
Mozilla eludes to having similar to above (I haven’t tested whether it works, yet). However, Webkit appear to have a very different implementation:
display: -webkit-box;
-webkit-columns: ;
-webkit-column-gap: ;
Now, is Webkit using the same specification, or is this for an entirely different model? If it is using the same specification, could you tell me what the syntax is for:
grid-columns: ;
grid-rows: ;
grid-column: ;
grid-row: ;
And, if it is using a different model, could you please let me know what the syntax is and how it differs from MS E10. References will be appreciated.
It is worth noting that I have Google Chrome Canary installed, as well as the latest version of Safari to test the grid on Webkit.